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Passenger service – Supporting London

During the lockdown so far our passenger jobs have been mainly vulnerable individuals making journeys to hospital, but it’s likely that with some relaxation of lockdown in the future, there will be greater demand for travel.  In addition – it’s very clear that there is not the space in London for any significant number of motor vehicles, even if there weren’t severe worries about the fact that higher levels of air pollution seem to increase the spread of Covid 19, as well as make the symptoms worse.

We ask people to use us for trips where walking or cycling themselves is not possible, to help keep London’s roads as motor-free and pollution free as possible.

But…2 metres?

It is not possible for us to distance by 2 metres on our bikes – as it isn’t on public transport, or in taxi or private hire vehicles.  In line with government guidance, we will therefore take additional steps to keep our staff and passengers safe (see below guidelines).

On public transport, in taxis and private hire vehicles there is the potential to pass on disease – on surfaces or in the air in the form of aerosols.  We are outside, where we know that disease transfer happens at a much lower rate with a minimal number of surfaces needing sanitising to keep passengers safe – but don’t listen to us, listen to Jonathan Van-Tam, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England: “ is absolutely categorically clear that outdoor spaces with higher degrees of ventilation are less problematic environments for transmission than indoor spaces.”  Doesn’t get much better ventilated than the front of one of our bikes!

Some trips are essential – and we are one of the safest ways for people to make those trips.

We also view ongoing training activities as essential for maintaining safety and keeping the service operating well.  In line with government guidance we are taking steps to manage risks, including masks and as much distancing as is possible.


For passenger trips with us please follow the below guidelines:

  1. Please use our passenger service to avoid making trips that you would otherwise make by motor vehicle or public transport
  2. Please avoid non-essential travel – ideally, exercise in your local area and shop locally or get home delivery.  If you decide you need us, we will accept this unless it’s extremely obvious that the trip is non-essential.
  3. Please do not travel if you feel sick – we will refuse the job if we think that you are unwell, barring emergency trips to hospital or similar, with consenting staff.
  4. Please wear masks while travelling with us, to keep our staff safe – we can provide these if you don’t have one.
  5. Please travel solo, or only with members of your household as you will be in close proximity on the bike.  If we think that you are travelling with those outside your household we will refuse the trip.
  6. When travelling solo, please sit towards the front of the bike seat to maximise distancing from staff.
  7. Our staff have been asked to sanitise bikes before use, and keep their distance from you – please don’t be offended by this, and do hold our staff to account if you feel that they’re not taking sensible precautions to keep both them and you safe.




James Holloway
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